abstractapi.com | IP-Addresses and Locations |
feefo.com | Travel Reviews |
flickr.com | Photo Community |
google.com | Online static and dynamic maps, Geolocation, Charts, QR-Codes |
ipapi.co | IP-Addresses and Locations |
ipinfo.io | IP-Addresses and Locations |
openexchangerates.org | Online Currency Exchange Rates |
openweathermap.org | Online Weather |
pixabay.com | Free, high-quality pictures |
shutterstock.com | Pictures (Country Banners) |
stripe.com | Payment Gateway |
touropia.com | Movies of destinations |
travel global (youtube) | Movies of destinations |
trustpilot.com | Travel Reviews |
wikipedia.com | Online encyclopia with background information |
wunderground.com | World Time and Weather |
cloudflare.com | Content Delivery Network to protect and deliver this website worldwide |
jquery.com | Powerful Library with Cross-Browser JavaScript-routines |
letsencrypt.org | Free SSL-certificates |
twilio.com | Automated SMS Generation |
vimeo.com | (embedded) Videos |
websupergoo.com | Abcpdf, Creating PDF files on-the-fly |
youtube.com | (embedded) Videos |
zopim.com | Chat Software |
getyourguide.com | Day-Tours, Activities, City Attractions & Destinations |
klook.com | Day-Tours, Activities, City Attractions & Destinations |
rezdy.com | Software Services for Tour Operators |
rezgo.com | Software Services for Tour Operators |
tourcms.com | Software Services for Tour Operators |
viator.com | Day-Tours, Activities, City Attractions & Destinations |
(multiple networks) | Affiliate Marketing Networks (APIs) |
(multiple operators) | Customised Tour Operator Software Systems (API's) |
We gratefully acknowledge the intellectual property of all (and cooperation with) the above organisations and corporations.